Titan Name: Celeri Venator
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warhound Titan
Primary Armament: Vulcan Mega Bolter & Turbolaser Destructor
Princeps: Lurare Davidus
Titan Legio: Legio Xestobiax
Battle Maniple Composition: Warhound (7285)
Battle Maniple Composition: Warhound (7285)
Owner: Richard L.
Location: Tyne and Wear, UK
Comments: I've always liked the idea of "accidental traitors" - people, knights or Legio's who end up on the wrong side by accident (can thank ADB 's Master of Mankind as inspiration for my Knight household House Vyridion who have a similar sorry tale). This also has the advantage they could plausibly be loyalist or traitor, depending which army they're playing alongside, and still be lore accurate. So the idea of a Legio who got dragged into fighting alongside the Thousands Sons in the heresy, then being declared free of heresy once the dust settled (no pun intended) by the Mechanicum kind of appealed. Plus I do like a nice rich purple as a colour, so decided to give Legio Xestobiax some love. Decided to base it as I just don't trust that much top-heavy resin to stay upright all the time, plus gave me an opportunity to add a few mini's as a little bit of narrative.
Celeri Venator Walks!
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