Administration and Contributors
These team members are responsible for the articles that you see on the blog and chart the club's path in a more direct manner.
Drake Seta - (Princeps Maximus) Club coordinator and UK/Europe Admin. Founder of the club, Drake has over 25 years in the hobby and Walks with Legio Mortis. Drake posts many of the club's UK and Europe engines and provides blog maintenance and overall UK event support.
Shadow - (Princeps Maximus) Club coordinator and US/Rest of World Admin. Shadow has 10 years in the hobby and Walks with his homebrew Legio Kurogane. Shadow posts many of the club's United States and Rest of World engines and provides additional blog content and overall US event support. Learn more about Shadow in his intro article.
Siph - (Princeps Seniores) UK/Europe Admin. Siph has been part of the hobby for over 30 years and Walks with Legio Astorum. He assists with the registration of God Engines and provides UK event support. Learn more about Princeps Seniores Siph in his owner interview.
Shark - (Princeps Majoris) US/Rest of World Admin. Robert has been part of the hobby for over 30 years and Walks with Legio Perennia. He serves as the United States Branch Chairman and South Region Coordinator.
Support Staff
These team members are also Club staff but do not contribute to blog posts. Rather, these vital team members assist the administration with information gathering, event planning, and various tasks.
Snow - TOC Support Staff/Editor. Snow has been part of the hobby for 10 years and "Walks" with the Dataslate of the Editor. She edits major TOC articles.
Lex - TOC Support Staff/Policy Consultant. Lex Walks with the Legio Hasmallim and serves as the Club's Policy Consultant, attached to the US Branch.
Lord TITANium H. - UK Support Staff. Lord TITANium has been part of the hobby for over 25 years and Walks with Legio Crucius. He provides UK event support.
Engine Phil - UK Support Staff. Recent joining the Admin staff for forthcoming event support, Engine Phil Walks with Metalica.
James C. - US Support Staff. James has been part of the hobby for over 5 years and Walks with Legio Astorum. He serves as the United States East Region Coordinator.
Dustin S. - US Support Staff. He serves as the United States North Region Coordinator.
Lyle K. - US Support Staff. He serves as the United States West Region Coordinator.
Rob C. - UK Support Staff, Rob C assists with UK Events and Walks with Legio Vulturum.
Rob W. - UK Support Staff, Rob W assists with UK Events and terrain centrepieces. Rob walks with Legio Solaria.
Lauren W. - UK Support Staff, Lauren assists with UK Events and Walks with Legio Vulcanum.
Col H. - UK Support Staff, Col. H assists with UK Events and Walks with Legio Tempestus.
Richard A. - UK Support Staff, Richard assists with UK Events and Walks and resident expert rules and tactics and Walks with Legio Mortis.
Justin F. - USA Support Staff, Justin assists with United States regional events and Walks with Legio Atarus.
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