This membership is open to owners of a completely built and
painted Knight Banner. A Knight Banner
is a formation of 3 or more Knights.
These are fearsome forces and can easily overpower larger Titans in the
right circumstances.
For Banners we accept 3+ fully painted models of the following types:
- Imperial Knights and *Armigers (any variants)
- Ork Stompas, Gork/Mork-anauts, and *Megadreads mobs
- Eldar Wraith-knights
- Mix of Tau Riptide (and experimental variants), Storm Surge and Supremacy suits
For Banners we accept 3+ fully painted models of the following types:
- Imperial Knights and *Armigers (any variants)
- Ork Stompas, Gork/Mork-anauts, and *Megadreads mobs
- Eldar Wraith-knights
- Mix of Tau Riptide (and experimental variants), Storm Surge and Supremacy suits
*Armiger and Megadread must be accompanied by an Imperial Knight or Stompa or Gork/Mork-anauts.
To be added to this list:
- If you are from the United Kingdom or Europe click here to email to join the club.
- If you are from USA, Australia, Canada or the rest of the world click here to email to join the club.
Banner Name: These are named after the Lead Knight (eg. Banner "TOC").
Seneschal: The name of the Commanding Seneschal / High King / Baron
Knight Seneschal: Knight chassis and weapon load out (piloted by the Seneschal)
Knight Scion: Knight chassis and weapon load out
Knight Scion: Knight chassis and weapon load out etc.
Armiger Squire: Any Armigers in training to become Knights
Knight House: The house that the Knight banner is affiliated to.
Titan Allies: Do you own any Titans? If so what are their registered references?
Owner: Your name or moniker. We will only display your name as you specify but only initial on surname.
Location: The county the Knight Banner is located.
Comments: What comments or interesting tidbits do you have on your Knights?
Photos: Any completed and or work in progress photos (preferentially against a white backdrop or on a battlefield). If you want to write painting guides please feel free.
Knight Banner List:
KS0001 - Mourning Orphan, House Morbidia - Sir Gary C, Cornwall, UK
KS0002 - Lances of Roderick, House Raven - Sir Jan B, Hamburg, Germany
KS0003 - Banner Moirai, House Kildare - Sir Dono1979, Canberra, Australia
KS0004 - Third Exalted Court, House Raven - Sir John P., Illinois, USA
KS0005 - Opprimo, House Makabius - Sir Redscorps, Perth, Western Australia
KS0006 - Iron Hail, House Hawkshroud - Sir Troy C., Connecticut, USA
KS0007 - Calculo, House Taranis - Sir Rene-Philippe G., Ottowa, Canada
KS0008 - The Spear-Tip, The Knights of Fureans - Sir Yann H., France
KS0009 - Exalted Order Of Ravens, House Raven - Sir DJ M., Connecticut, USA
KS0010 - Lady of the Rose, House Cadmus - Sir Josif R., Connecticut, USA
KS0011 - N/A, House Makabius - Sir Simon W., Essex, UK.
KS0012 - Fraterri Fidelis, Legio Fidelis - Sir A.P. Herbert, USA
KS0013 - The Fire Storms of Rexis, House Taranis - Sir JC P., Louisiana, USA
KS0014 - House Terryn Tybalt, House Terryn - Sir John H., Wiltshire, UK
KS0015 - The Seeking Blades, Legendary Free Blades - Sir Samuel " Nusquam", Vermont, USA.
KS0016 - Lance of Rebirth, Freeblades - Sir Trey B., Louisiana, USA
KS0017 - Black Forest Bulwark, House Kreil - Sir Robert C., Texas, USA
KS0018 - First Crucible, House Magi - Sir Jon K., Texas, USA
KS0019 - Roaring Thunder, House Galaghast - Sir Mumb, Szeged, Hungary
KS0020 - Lance of the Fire Eclipse, House Sestertiarios - Lord Halfpenny, Dorset, UK
KS0021 - The Joyful Companions, Freeblade Company (Hawkshroud) - Sir Alex T., California, USA
KS0022 - The Princes' Court, Vassal Knights of Legio Fureans - Sir Yann H., Niort, France
KS0023 - Hipatia's Rage, House Makabius - Sir Nitecs, Barcelona, Spain
KS0024 - Knights Templar, House Knights Templar - Pope Gregory, USA
KS0025 - The King's Hunt, House Hawkspyre - Scott S., Texas, USA
KS0026 - Canticum Exercitum, House Veridan - Sir Austin P., Texas, USA
KS0021 - The Joyful Companions, Freeblade Company (Hawkshroud) - Sir Alex T., California, USA
KS0022 - The Princes' Court, Vassal Knights of Legio Fureans - Sir Yann H., Niort, France
KS0023 - Hipatia's Rage, House Makabius - Sir Nitecs, Barcelona, Spain
KS0025 - The King's Hunt, House Hawkspyre - Scott S., Texas, USA
KS0026 - Canticum Exercitum, House Veridan - Sir Austin P., Texas, USA
KS0027 - Cogadh Dearg, Griosach Dhearg - Sir Stuart L., Devon, UK
KS0028 - Faces of Chaos, House of Skulls - Sir Andy J., Starnberg, Germany
KS0029 - Omnissiah's Will, House Tenebris - Sir Hector C., Malaga, Spain
KS0030 - Undergoing the Rites of Construction - Col. Hertford
KS0028 - Faces of Chaos, House of Skulls - Sir Andy J., Starnberg, Germany
KS0029 - Omnissiah's Will, House Tenebris - Sir Hector C., Malaga, Spain
KS0030 - Undergoing the Rites of Construction - Col. Hertford
KS0031 - Banner Meteor Encarmine, The Confederacy of Zeon - Sir Scott J., Louisiana, USA
KS0032 - The Warmaster's 10th, House Makabius - Sir Phoenix, Kent, UK
KS0032 - The Warmaster's 10th, House Makabius - Sir Phoenix, Kent, UK
KS0033 - The Emperor's Halo, Vassal Knights of Legio Astorum - Princeps Seniores Siph, Hampshire, UK
KS0034 - Court of Kamelot - SamuraiJordan, Indiana, USA
KS0035 - Court of The Fisher King, Knights of Corbenic - Goddenzilla, South Yorkshire, UK
KS0036 - Blade of Change, Warp's Embrace - Lyle K., California, USA
KS0037 - Daemoninum ab Machina, House Aeterna - William S., Florida, USA
KS0038 - Omnissiah's Wrath, House Taranis - Nina S., North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
KS0039 - The Cerberii Company, House Terryn - Keenan C., Arizona, USA
KS0040 - Chassuer Raisa, House Cadmus - Jim D., Texas, USA
KS0041 - Banner of Sir Orpheus, House Leonis, Russell J., California, USA
KS0042 - Fury of Terryn, House Terryn, Dustin S., Indiana, USA
KS0043 - The Mountain Banner, House Taranis - CJ Shearwood, Nottinghamshire, UK
KS0044 - Banner of the Hawk Lord , House Hawkshroud - Valen, USA
KS0046 - Midnight Waveshaper, House Synth - Anthony M., Indiana, USA
KS0047 - Rage Eternal, House Vextrix - AJW, Canberra, Australia
KS0048 - House Taydon, Vassal Knights of Legio Phasma - Chris W., Belgium
KS0049 - Malinax Banner 13, House Malinax - Bart J., Gelderland, The Netherlands
KS0050 - Fangs of Jedathra, House Herpetrax - Juniper J., USA
KS0051 - Striga's Reprise , House Morded - Straycat, Florida, USA
Xenos 'Knight' Banner List:
XS0001 - Triumvirate of Spirits, Craftworld Amethyst - Rose B., Louisiana, USA
XS0002 - Group Avenger, Sept Fal'Shia - Andrew K., Wisconsin, USA
XS0003 - Iron 'eads, Iron Mongers - Kyle B., Maryland, USA
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