Sunday 25 October 2020

Adeptus Titanicus - Crucible of Retribution - New Missions

We return to our Crucible of Retribution coverage with a review of the book’s missions.  A whopping 19 missions define this book and this is what has lead to this new supplement being much more of a straight-up gaming expansion compared to other supplements rather than a mechanic building.  Rather than appendices, warzone rules, new weapons, and the like we are treated to four (4) Belt of Iron campaign missions and fifteen (15) general use narrative missions.

Where Defence of Ryza ensured that multiple supplements were needed to fully play its narrative missions, the Crucible of Retribution book goes back to the Titanicus roots.  These missions are all about Titans slaying Titans.  Many conflicts in the Belt of Iron were fought in the same style and similar environments, but the nature of the fights were always different.  Crucible of Retribution sees players battling to take Forge Worlds, breaking sieges, engaging in small-scale skirmishes in which maniples cannot stay cohesive, or laying absolute waste to cities.

This book is adept at creating a narrative that is about the sheer devastation caused by an engine war and the missions certainly exude that environment.  To further that, the additional 15 missions are added.  The standard-sized battlefields (unless specified otherwise in the mission) provide battle on three (3) world types:

  •          Death World
  •          Forge World
  •          Hive World

Further, each world has five (5) mission types to play.  Players roll a dice to determine the world type and then another dice to determine the mission type. Each mission comes with its own unique flavor, set of victory conditions, map, and special rules similar to the warzone rules we’ve seen in prior supplements.  This major expansion of mission options means that players now have a wide variety of new games to try and has vastly increased their options for play outside of the story-based Narrative Missions from the supplements. 

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