Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Reaver Titan No. 123 - Ignis Orchis, Legio Vulcanum

Certificate Number: 123
Titan Name: Ignis Orchis (The Fire Orchid)
Pattern: Mars Pattern Reaver Titan
Primary Armament: Gatling Blaster, Laser Blaster, and Apocalypse Missile Launcher
Princeps: Tiberius
Titan Legio: Legio Vulcanum
Battle Manipe Composition: Reaver (123); Warhound (2333)

Owner: Alexander G.
Location: Outer London, UK

Comments: Has LED’s for lighting the eyes, and sound effects built in. I'm looking forward to the task of repainting my Warhound (2333) post-Christmas to match (all the while eyeing up a new Warlord Titan...)

Ignis Orchis Walks for Legio Vulcanum!
Princeps Alexander has added LEDs to the Command Deck

Titan Owners Club

Monday, 6 January 2025

KS0052 - Uhlemeyer, House Uhlemeyer

 Banner Name: Banner Uhlemeyer

Seneschal: High King Rickard "Rebel" Uhlemeyer

Knight Seneschal: "August," Knight Errant (power first, thermal cannon, questoris stubber, Icarus autocannon)

Knight Scion: "Donus et Debitum," Knight Castellan (Plasma Decimator, Volcano Lance, two twin meltaguns, twin siege breaker cannon, 4 shield breaker missiles). Piloted by Lady Carmela Uhlemeyer.
Knight Scion: Name stricken from records, Knight Gallant (power fist and reaver chainsword, meltagun, Storm strike missile pod). Piloted by James Uhlemeyer, assumed. 
Armiger Squire: "Ardenti Clara," Warglaive with melta, piloted by Lady Raquel Goodnews

Armiger Squire: "Demiurgos," Helverin with stubber, piloted by Lady Aleksandra DeMaio-Mousmoules

Armiger Squire: "Lupus Viridius," Warglaive with melta, piloted by Ser Kristian DeMaio
Armiger Squire: "Lex Celestia," Helverin with stubber, piloted by Ser Josef Müller

Knight House: House Uhlemeyer
Titan Allies: No Titan allies (the Inquisitor does not have any, nor would presume to try).
Owner: Jimmy U.
Location: Kansas, USA
Comments: Historically, the King would receive a bride from the Adeptus Mechanics as an affirmation of their long standing agreement. The High King would pilot the oldest and most respected suit, "August," while the proffered bride would ride "Donus et Debitum." Their firstborn son would pilot another Knight Questoris, who shall remain unnamed, and cousins would be trained in armigers as needed. 


When August is transferred to the son, the father's tilting shield is melted down and added to the armor of August. The right shoulder is painted in the father's colors and a new tilting shield is added for the new owner. Donus et Debitum is transferred to the son's bride, and the last knight is given to his firstborn son. This transfer occurs either on the death of the father or the coming of age of the grandson. 


The House is small, and has been so for quite some time. They are down to their last few suits, and the Mechanicus has not cared about their arrangement. The last bride sent was not thoroughly vetted for psychic potential. When the son initiated his Becoming with the unnamed Knight, his Psyker talents activated, driving the Knight, suit and rider, insane. It managed to escape, leaving House Uhlemeyer to scrub their records to avoid scandal, but also hoping to find their son once more. With the High King growing older and no other male issue, it may be that he is now the last of his line. 


Saturday, 4 January 2025

Mars Warhound Titan No. 6369 - Adustus Venator, Legio Ignatum

Certificate Number: 6369
Titan Name: Adustus Venator
Pattern: Mars Warhound
Primary Armament: Titan Plasma Blastgun, Titan Inferno Cannon
Henna Volante
Titan Legio: Legio Ignatum (Fire Wasp)
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord, Reaver, Nemesis, =][= redacted =][=; Warhound (6369)

Owner: Jon B.
Location: Tennessee, USA
Comments: .Undergoing construction before being battle ready.


Titan Owners Club

Friday, 3 January 2025

Mars Warhound Titan No. 8499 - Furorem Primi, Legio Leonis

Certificate Number: 8499
Titan Name: Furorem Primi (Fury of the First)
Pattern: Mars Pattern  Warhound Titan
Primary Armament: Turbo Laser Destructor + Plasma Blastgun
Princeps: Enaeus Blackbrand
Titan Legio: Legio Leonis
Battle Maniple Composition: Warhound (8499) However it is currently the main piece alongside my 10k points of Dark Angels

Owner: James K.
Location: Wexford, Ireland
Comments: A heavy work in progress but with big plans to add to! Colour scheme will heavily resemble that of the Castellan Knight pictured below. Legio Leonis are 
a Homebrew legion that has renamed itself in recognition of the Lion and the Dark Angels. No other Titans yet, however it is currently the main centrepiece alongside my 10k points of Dark Angels Space Marines.

Furorem Primi awaits the Rites Of Colour to match the Vassal Knights shown, sworn allies to the Dark Angels and The Lion

Titan Owners Club

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Mars Warhound Titan No. 6986 - Stellaris Canis, Legio TBD

Certificate Number: 6986
Titan Name: Stellaris Canis
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warhound Titan
Primary Armament: Turbo Laser Destructor, Titan Vulcan Mega Bolter
Princeps: Theo IV
Titan Legio: TBD
Battle Maniple Composition: Warhound (6986)

Owner: Ted D.
Location: New Jersey, USA
Comments: First of my future Legio, hopefully.

Titan Owners Club

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Mars Warhound Titan No. 8258 - Nike Occulus, Legio Infernus

Certificate Number: 0008258
Titan Name: Nike Occulus 
Pattern: Mars Pattern Hyena Configuration
Primary Armament: Inferno Gun & Turbo Laser
Princeps: Shakti Jones
Titan Legio: Legio Infernus
Battle Maniple Composition: Lupus Infernus Maniple, Warhound (7864); Warhound (8258)

Owner: Straycat
Location: Florida, USA
Comments: This Titan was a birthday gift from the wife but came with a build and paint challenge. The entire model was built and painted in a single day, with the base done later (Wow! - TOC)

Nike Occulus Walks for Legio Inferum!
Rites of Colour and Construction were all carried out within a Solar Day.
Fluorescent paints for an otherworldly glow again.

Titan Owners Club

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Update - Mars Warhound Titan No. 7864 - Ignus Vestitatus, Legio Infernus - COMPLETED - 28 Dec 24

Princeps Straycat has completed the Rites of Colour for his Warhound Titan using Monument Hobbies paints, supported by Turbodork Metalocalypse & colour shifts and Hige Minis Fluorescents to make a quite unique looking Ttian!
Ignus Vestitatus Walks for Legio Infernus
Fluorescent paints glow in UV light, perhaps in the sickly light of the Eye of Terror!

Congratulations to Princeps Straycat on completing their God Engine!

Titan Owners Club