Sunday 17 April 2016

Warlord Titan No.163 - Custodi Tempestas, Legio Tempestus

Certificate Number: 163
Titan name: Custodi Tempestas
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warlord Battle Titan
Head Unit: Mars-Alpha
Primary Armament: Twin volcano cannons, twin Reaver laser blasters.
Princeps: Senior Princep Decimums Karamov 
Titan Legio: Legio Tempestus
Demi Legio: TBC
Battle Maniple Composition:  Warlord and Reaver "Bellator ferrum" (1855)

Owner: Col.Hertford
Location: Hertfordshire, England
Comments:  Progress has started now Bellator ferrum is nearly complete.  As at m30 Current allegiance is unknown as with the rest of the surviving Legio. 


Work in Progress

Early build stages

Pinning key joints to add stability and strength

The superstructure is moving along quite well

Look into my eyes

Very beautiful internals taking shape

Great start to this engine - T.O.C.


  1. Awesome start Col H. I must get painting...

  2. I love the internals! I think it's worth taking the time to do these right. And the white you are using on the head is really creamy. Well done! I really love seeing so many beautiful engines. At the same time it's a little intimidating, can't help but hope my own doesn't look shoddy next to so much fine work!

  3. Hey Siph, Cheers, I just painted the head for fun and got a bit carried away. Wasn't supposed to start until the Reaver (and a few other projects) are finished....

    Hi Dan, I actually find these models more forgiving than smaller ones. The white is Vallejo aged white applied roughly with an airbrush. It will get an oil wash after transfers, but that's when FW release them!

  4. Those internals are flawless and amazing. Good job, man.
