Monday, 27 February 2017

Update WLT444 - Triple force, 27-2-17

A little update from Anders!

..This is a paint in progress picture, awaiting more agrax earthshade from the suppliers..
..basic colours of bot-skeleton done, just some shade missing on upper body..
..armour plates base coated and under rite of painting outside picture frame.. 
..head and weapons still awaiting rite of cleansing..

"++begin transmission+
Triple Force' current status: +
+ located +
+ inoperative +
+ partly assembled+
+ immobile +

++ Remarks ++
+ the disgrace + 
+ the disrespect +
+ art monument of piece they say +
+ monument of death and machine of war we say +

+ Execute Operation: ## censored ## +
+ end transmission ++"

LOL. Any progress is good progress we say!

Titan Owners Club


  1. Looking great Anders! Keep it coming!

  2. Great to see the Engine grow, the Rite of Colours continues.
