Saturday 8 April 2017

Col.Hertford - An introduction

Hi, I’m Col.Hertford,

I'm the newest member of the administration team here at the Titan Owners Club Forge.  I’ve known Drake in RL™ for a while now, and a little while ago he asked me if I would like to help on at the club, not really an offer I had a mind of refusing.

I have been a member since September 2015, I’ve been previously featured in an interview here.  At the time I had the following titans;
  • ·         Lucius Warhound No745 - Lupus ad pecus, Legio Gryphonicus
  • ·         Reaver Titan No1855 - Bellator Ferum, Legio Tempestus
  • ·         Warlord Titan No.163 - Custodi Tempestas, Legio Tempestus

Since the interview, the Reaver has been made battle ready, and I have acquired a further two titans:
  • ·         Warlord Titan No.489, originally listed as Gustus Bilem, Legio Mortis (but rumours persist the forces of Legio Tempestus Recovered the hull to replenish their strength.
  • ·         Mar Pattern Warhound 4870 – To be named, Legio Tempestus which is not registered on the club as yet.

As is probably obvious from the above, I’m a bit of a titan lover.  Indeed certain of my friends (and more worryingly my wife) have indicated, it’s a pretty unhealthy obsession.  Obviously, my fellow TOC members will understand this for the virulent scrap code lies it is.

Bellator Ferum in its ill fated march in support of Legio Mortis.

Custodi Tempestas sporting a fetching mixed carapace weapon load out.

Gustus Bilem being "protected" by Alpha Legion

Custodi Tempestas and the recovered Gustus Bilem under construction in the Forges of Legio Tempestus

I’m passionate about titans and love the old Adeptus Titanicus and Codex Titanicus Rules.  I recently played in the second Horus Heresy Weekender demo game of the new version of Adeptus Titanicus.  Having played the basic rules, I have to say I’m already hooked.

The first tasks for me is to work with Drake to arrange a UK TOC event, and finish a very important post about changes in membership in light of the new Adeptus Titanicus rules.

The long hobby war continues…


  1. Welcome Col H, now I expect the combined might of TOC to batter me into submission and progress with my Warlord... darn you!

  2. UK TOC EVENT!!! YES IM THERE! oh and well dont on being asked to help out =)

  3. Welcome Col. pleasure to have you onboard.

  4. Welcome Col. Hertford! Definitely good to have you on the admin team!

    I am actually hoping some of you guys from the UK make it to the US event upcoming (long shot, I'm sure) - and that the UK events are open to folks from the states (another long shot but who knows?)

    Again, welcome aboard!
