Monday, 17 July 2017

Legio Mortis Titan Banners

Hi all

I thought I would just share one of my current projects. I am getting closer to completing my two Legio Mortis Warhound Titans Canticum Malitiae and Seething Hunter, so obviously one of the cherries on the top (or between the legs) of any Titan is it's war banner. 

Now I have waited a long time to see if Forge World might create an app service which would enable Titan Owners to easily create, modify and print a banner for their Engines. I still hope they do, but in the meantime here is my iteration.

And this is how I did it:
So I used AutoCAD to create the logo. Each item is a separate entity and I can move them around and edit as I see fit.

Fun fact: the text you see is actually the 40K Wiki sites' entry for Legio Mortis, just in case the enemies of Mortis were in true doubt who were coming to destroy them.

So then I printed the transfers out at 600dpi on standard A4 paper.

The banner was then cut out with a scalpel and folded over and glued together using pva.

Then I chose to distress with real fire and a cup of water nearby to dip (to stop it spreading so far). Before though I cut several little cuts vertically at the bottom to give a realistic fraying effect.

And here we are. I am quite proud of them too.

Sooo this brings me to the next point. If you register a Legio Mortis Engine with Titan Owners Club I will happily create a banner for you. If you are in UK I will happily post a print off of it to you too. If you are in the rest of the world I will send a PDF for you to print yourself.

I will hopefully also get to the other Legio Banners in time.

Drake Seta


  1. Lovely! Ooh ooh, Legio Astorum would be ace! ;) These look great, is AutoCAD free or application I have to buy? I know nothing!

    1. It's a paid cad package. I get it as a perk through work.
      I'd like to get to them all in time :)

  2. Thas is really nice. I sure beats my free hand... and that is probably why my engines are still looking for their banners...

    1. Hi Agis. I will try to sort one Legio a month if I can. :)

  3. You beat me to it! I had a friend do something like this for Rex Submersi in Photoshop. The file turned out to be huge and I had been going back and forth with Shadow over how to make it available to members on this site. I'm really glad you did this!

    Also, speaking of which, if you want my raw files I can send them to you. I have one for a kill banner as well which might be handy.

    Last request - can you do a Warhound banner for me for Sussuri Mortem? I love your Warhound and Warlord banners. The raw file I have is for a Reaver (like Warlord without the side banners). Maybe your auto cad program can open it.

    Lovely work and let me know - I am unabashedly asking for one!

    1. Yeah for that beauty no probs. Email me your address and Titan no and I will sort for u :)

    2. Awesome awesome will do!

  4. Also, if you want, Drake, I put together a folder of banner graphics for every single Legio I could find on the net. The idea was to get these to my buddy with photoshop and have him try to do other legios. I'd be happy to send that to you as well. Maybe some of the legwork is done.

    1. Hi Dan. That could help me out. I'm doing Tiger Eyes next.

    2. I have a couple of Fureans graphics. I'll get everything your way. Penance for having dragged my feet on this project so much someone wound up duplicating the effort!

  5. They look fantastic drake! I know I'd kill for one!

    1. Hi Jesse. Without pouring through Shadow's database, you have which Legio?

    2. Drake,

      Jesse's engines are Astorum.

    3. Shadow to the rescue! Yes sorry. Legio astorm.

    4. I will get to them after Legio Fureans then :)

    5. Thank you immensely sir!

  6. Fantastic work, I would definitely be interested in getting one for Carrion Rex, how do we go about setting something like that up?

    1. Hi mate. Just email Titan Owners Club and I will sort
      Send me your postal address too.

  7. hey frien i like this banner for mi titan legiĆ³n, how i obtain?

  8. Hiya just found your blog and this is amazing by any chance would you be able to send me the legio mortis one you've created ??? this is the best result of titan banners I've seen

  9. Hey Drake,

    Currently only Xenos Titans on the club just now (Tau Manta and and Aeldari Phantom in progress), wondered if the your Legio Mortis Banners would be scalable down to Titanicus scale? Currently building a large Legio Mortis force for titanics (1xWarMaster, 1x Warbringer, 2x Warlords, 3x Reavers, 3x Warhounds + a knight banner).

  10. Hey Drake, I'm from Vietnam and I am building a paper titan, may I have file of these banners or Modaxis legion (if you made them)
