Saturday 26 August 2017

Titan Owners Club Featured on The Battlehosts Podcast

One of our Princeps "ratted us out" in a good way.  He often listens to The Battlehosts Podcast and has even been on it.  Princeps Grayson eventually put them in touch with Shadow and things snowballed into TOC being featured on a podcast.

We'd like to thank them for the amazing opportunity to not only have TOC be featured, but to spread the word about what makes Titan ownership so much fun and a great and amazing journey.  Check out the podcast here:

And we also would like to encourage you to check out their other content.  We are familiar with community building and providing fun games with others (as fielding a Titan always comes with its level of trying to keep things fair and fun), something that the podcast is oriented to.  Feel free to follow them here:


  1. Sweet, hopefully an upturn in Titan Ownership and Membership will follow :)

    1. The more we spread the word, the better things will be for the community.
