Thursday, 18 January 2018

Mars Warhound No.4800- Barathrum Invictus, Legio Mortis

Certificate Number: 4800
Titan Name: Barathrum Invictus 
Pattern: Mars
Primary Armament: Vulcan Mega Bolter and Dual Turbo Laser Destructor
Princeps: Nicodemus De Freyne
Titan Legio: Mortis
Battle Maniple Composition: Awaiting reinforcements.

Owner: Mack F.
Location: Rhode Island, USA
Comments: I am very exited to get this build fully underway. It is my first Titan and the largest kit I have ever worked on. I got it for Christmas 2017 opened it up and put in about 7 hours work to get it inventoried scrubbed down, gates cut off and flashing removed. Tomorrow construction shall begin!  [Love the enthusiasm! - TOC]


From the big red box to the Rite of Cleansing.

A drink to keep cool and stave away thirst, a brush to keep cleaning, and all the resin waiting to become a Warhound.

Yep, the guns really are that big. 


A lot of prep work done, including magnets.

A nice solution to keep the legs still while they set.

The Rite of Colours begins!

Very lovely internal work and decal usage.

And amazingly clean work, very sharp.

The oil wash trick for weathering.  Very good technique.

Very well done on the weapons.

Superb use of the oil wash technique.  The details of this model really pop as a result.

The cockpit definitely feels like an alive and active Engine.

A very lovely Mortis engine so far.

Engine up to date as of 6-2-18


  1. Good luck, don’t forget to magnetise at the waist for custom posing.

  2. Awesome! Can't wait to see your progress. Always nice to see another Mortis engine on the site!
