Certificate Number: 2290
Titan Name: Red Naga
Titan Name: Red Naga
Pattern: Mars Pattern
Head Unit: N/A
Primary Armament: Laser Blaster, Gatling Blaster, Apocalypse Missile Launcher
Princeps: Princeps Marakaru
Titan Legio: Legio Atarus
Battle Maniple Composition: Nothing planned yet [Yet! Yet is good- TOC]
Owner: Shane B.
Location: Victoria, Australia
Comments: Modelled like Red Naga at the Drop Site Massacre. Because Legio Atarus re-commision names of destroyed Titans, can represent any era Red Naga.
Location: Victoria, Australia
Comments: Modelled like Red Naga at the Drop Site Massacre. Because Legio Atarus re-commision names of destroyed Titans, can represent any era Red Naga.
[Owner has stated the pics will be coming at a later date- TOC]
Look forward to seeing progress.