Tuesday 28 August 2018

New TOC Staff Member

Princeps and Scions,

We wanted to let you know today that there is a new member on TOC staff, DJ, who is going to be starting with us very soon.  In the coming days, you may see posts from him, and we can assure you that he'll be making a proper introduction later on.  A lurker on the site and a fellow Princeps, this jack of all trades will be helping us with Titan entries, backlog, and our extra content.

We also had several great applicants come forward during our search and we want to thank all of them for stepping up.  You guys were great and gave us a lot to think about.


  1. Replies
    1. Do you now? Welcome aboard. We look forward to seeing your intro article and what kind of trouble you'll be getting into.

  2. Excellent, well done for volunteering DJ. I’ll look forward to your contributions and Titans!
