Thursday, 30 August 2018

September and TOC

"I came; I saw; I conquered."

It's an old expression, and it's apt given that most of the Titans named in 40k lore and here on the Titan Owners Club blog follow Latin type structures.

Titan Owners Club came into being founded on its Titans and their owners.  We've seen you excel at what you do and seen the growth of this wonderful club expand far beyond our wildest imaginings (Warhammer Community's promotion of us is still reverberating through our emails).  And now we're conquering our backlog while giving you all of the usual extra content and adding more.

The months leading up to August saw your staff and fellow Princeps moaning out the question, "Can it be August yet?"  This month itself has seen the release of Adeptus Titanicus and a lot of coverage from well as our normal.  What could we possibly have lined up for September?  How about an article?  

Every. Single. Day.

You're reading that correctly.  Titan September is going to be a thing on TOC for 2018.Check back during the month for at least a new article every day in September.  Sometimes you'll even get more.  For the next 31 days we'll be: 

  • posting new Titans,
  • updating the existing ones,
  • refreshing all of the missing links on the class pages (we've been that busy),
  • covering Adeptus Titanicus,
  • and more

And if that wasn't enough, at some point in September, a new feature will debut, called Titan Hangar.  We'd love to hear what you think Titan Hangar will be about, and some of you might even be right.


  1. Is Titan Hangar a view of the lovely TOC Titans in their respective homes? Just how do we all store these behemoths? I’m lucky enough to have mine on show, but I could do with suggestions on storage for a Warlord, it wouldn’t fit in my Detolf Ikea cabinet!

    1. Titan Hangar is quite different from that. Good guess though.

  2. Titan hanger, would that be a full galleria of all the titans laid out in a tile form? That would be super cool, easy to build too with a photostream embed.
