Titan name: Dawn of Sorrows
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warlord Titan
Head Unit: Mars Alpha Pattern
Primary armament: Sunfury Plasma Annihilator, Macro-Gatling Blaster, carapace Laser Blasters
Princeps Name: Adie
Titan Legio: Legio Oberon
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord (1336); Warhound (8216)
Owner: Julian S. (Instagram account @Jules_paints_40k)
Location: Gloucestershire, UK
Comments: I have been saving and wanting a Titan for years and now finally have one and have been given some brilliant advice from a couple of your members (UK members Adie H. and Kiral) on how to build it and I look forward to building and painting it.
Shaping up nicely with internal detailing
Started with the Head
Big ol' red boxes of resin joy
And the Crew are in processing
Thanks to Princeps Jules for registering and we look forward to this Engine Walking!
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