Friday, 30 September 2022

Aeldari Revenant Titan No.14 - Loth Palthaion 'Blade of the Rose', Fir Lirithion

Certificate Number: N/A. Aeldari Revenant No. 14
Titan Name: Loth Palthaion 'Blade of the Rose'
Pattern: Xenos Designation "Revenant Titan"
Head Unit: N/A
Primary Armament: Twin Revenant Pulsars
Steersman: Bel-Caennior Val'Azriol
Craftworld: Fir Lirithion
Warhost Composition: Not part of the Imperial Maniple. Other titans I own are Mortificus Timorum (Warlord: 000590) & Unguibus Martis (Warlord: 0001236)

Owner: Nicholas J.
Location: Texas, USA



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