Sunday 10 December 2023

Mars Warhound Titan No. 3841 - Vengeance of Ella, Legio Venator

Certificate Number: 3841
Titan Name: Vengeance of Ella
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warhound Titan
Primary Armament: Plasma Blastgun, Turbolaser Destructor
Princeps: Elessar G
Battle Maniple Composition: Warhound (3841)
Titan Legio: Legio Venator

Owner: Daniel J.
Location: British Columbia, Canada

Comments: During its construction, I sliced my finger open while magnetizing the cockpit. Drops of my own blood then fell and splattered into the miniature. I then entombed it within the primer and paint of its head, sanctifying the machine spirit. [Khorne does not care where the blood flows from, just that it flows... TOC] Named in honour of my dearly missed cat.


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