Thursday, 21 March 2024

Warlord Titan No.137 - WIP, Legio Unidentified

Certificate Number: 137
Titan Name: TBN
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warlord Titan
Head Unit: Mars Alpha
Primary Armament: Carapace Paired Warlord Titan Laser Blasters;  Belicosa Volcano Cannon;  Mori-Quake Cannon
Princeps: Kragg The Grim
Titan Legio:  #Unidentified#
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord (137); 1 Knight house

Owner: Brendan S.
Location:  Massachusett, USA
Comments: This loyalist titan that has walked in several theaters.  It has laid low several heretical Warlord God Engines, and a dozen other smaller engines, and countless non classified enemy combatants.  It succumbed to battle damage in 2 engagements, but faithfully recovered and restored to battle conditions by loyal Mechanicus forces.

(I have owned this titan since I built it in 2016, it has traveled great distances to fight in far off theaters of war.  It has been broken in transit twice, but has since been rebuilt and is stronger than ever.  The paint job is "flat" as I am still learning proper shading techniques.  But hope to repaint when I feel more confident)


Titan Owners Club

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