Thursday 30 May 2024

Warlord Titan No. 2060 - Pillar of Ruin, Legio Audax

Certificate Number: 2060
Titan Name: Pillar of Ruin
Pattern: Mars pattern Warlord Titan
Head Unit: Mars Beta head
Primary Armament: Belicosa Volcano Cannon, Macro Gatling Blaster, Laser blasters, Options to be magnetised.
Princeps: Current Alias - "Mike Titan"
Titan Legio: Legio Audax
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord (2060)

Owner: Adam V.
Location: Hampshire, UK

Comments: This will be aligned to the Chaos Gods. hopefully showing something new and cool not seen on this scale before. Current progress is the components undergoing cleansing rituals "dirty titan seeks soapy wet fun"...
First job, count all the parts, make sure the Engineseers at Forge World have manufactured all the parts of your God Machine!

Ah, the Rites of Cleansing

Titan Owners Club

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