Friday, 28 June 2024

Chaos Reaver Titan No. 3324 - Oblivion's Kiss, Sons of Chemos

Certificate Number: 3324
Titan Name: Oblivion's Kiss
Pattern: Mars Pattern Chaos Reaver Titan
Primary Armament: Apocalypse Missile Launcher, Titan Power Claw, Battle Titan Laser Blaster
Princeps: Julius (the exquisite) Vairosen and the joyful Thrallas twins
Titan Legio: Engine of the Sons of Chemos, the chosen of Fulgrim the palatine, and the perfect prince of the Emperor's Children favored the youngest god Slaanesh.
Battle Maniple Composition: Reaver (3324)

Owner: Fraser B.
Location: Alberta, Canada
Comments: None

Fulgrim will be pleased, Oblivion's Kiss Walks for the Sons of Chemos, 90% Rites of Colour are now completed.
Command Deck internals nicely done

A nearby battle brother inspects the engines formidable weapons as they are assembled
After the rights of engine purification (or corruption) have been observed, the legs begin to walk on their own

Titan Owners Club

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