Sunday 30 June 2024

Lucius Warhound No. 716 - Aeternum Dolorem, Legio Astorum

Certificate Number: 716
Titan Name: Aeternum Dolorem (Eternal Sorrow)
Pattern: Lucius Pattern Warhound Titan  (Wolf Class)
Primary Armament: Vulcan Mega-Bolter; Turbolaser Destructor 
Princeps: Maximilian Duo
Titan Legio: Legio Astorum
Battle Maniple Composition: Lucius Warhound (716); Mars Warhound (8090)

Owner: Dom T.
Location: Warwickshire, UK

Comments: Titan requires repair before Maniple designation.
###Incoming transmission from salvage-class ship### Hail to the Emperor! Oh yeah... you lot call him omnisiah dont ya? I heard you represent a Titan Legio? If that's true then I have an offer for you!  After scouring the #### sector for many months our scanners picked up signatures of a large cache of metallic material. After confirming the signals to be accurate we sent a crew to investigate. We believe we've found one the Emperor's precious Titans! Looks old too! Its too big for my lads to salvage, but I'd happily sell you the co-ordinates to its  location? ###Transmission ended###

"Princeps Duo, I have negotiated payment for this location on the basis we find something of worth. I have made planet fall & can confirm it's one of the Omnissiah's Warhound Titans, Lucius pattern too!  Looks to be long abandoned & will require extensive repairs, but I believe I've found you a new war engine Princeps! Send a recovery team to my location immediately!"


Titan Owners Club

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