Monday 9 September 2024

Chaos Reaver Titan No. 3825 - Mors Spei, Legio Impalers

Certificate Number: 3825
Titan Name: Mors Spei (Latin: Death of Hope)
Pattern: Mars Pattern Reaver Titan
Primary Armament: Battle Titan Melta Cannon; Apocalypse Missile Launcher and Chaos Power Claw 
Princeps: Vlad Mures
Legio: Legio Impalers
Maniple Composition: Chaos Reaver (3825)

Owner: Joseph H-S
Location: Kent, UK
Comments: The name Vlad Mures takes the first name of Vlad the Impaler, and uses his home town as the family name. I thought it could be funny as the titan is from Legio Impalers. The engine name is based on my idea that the sight of this monstrosity extinguishes the flame of hope like a damp cloth wherever it is seen. (Power claw and launchers not obtained yet, I want to save for official sculpts rather than buy prints).

Blood for the Blood God!

Bath time
Clean up commences

Titan Owners Club

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