Tuesday 3 September 2024

Warlord Psi-Titan No.1239 - Polaris-Albedelach, Ordo Sinister

Certificate Number: 0001239

Titan Name: Polaris - Albedelach

Pattern: Warlord Sinister Class Titan

Primary Armament: Arm options: Sinistramanus Tenebrae; other Warlord Options available.

Princeps: +++CLASSIFIED+++

Titan Legio:  Ordo Sinister – supporting Legio Crucius

Battle Maniple Composition: Deictus Fist (named after the fabled Legio Crucius Imperator Titan who fell at the battle of Hive World Kado) - consisting of: Warlord (860); Warlord (1239); Warbringer (187); Warbringer (221); Reaver (11); Reaver (2522); Reaver (2796); Warhound  (5508); Warhound (5599); Warhound (6998); Warhound (7128); Warhound (7921) and x20 Imperial Knights (KS0020).


Owner: TOC's own Support Staff - Lord TITANium H.

Location: Dorset, UK

Comments: I’ve printed the Psi parts myself for use on this Warlord to convert it to a Psi Titan



3D printed parts adorn this official Warlord chassis

The Sinistramanus Tenebrae and some of the Psi-Titan parts
The unique head cowling. No sensors are needed for this psychic beast
The armour is inscribed with warding runes of power
Lord TITANium's mock up with converted Gatling Blaster carapace weapons, more weapons Forge World don't support which is a shame - these were converted from Laser Blasters and Reaver Gatling Blasters)

Titan Owners Club

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