Thursday 3 October 2024

Event - UK Titan Walk - London Grand Tournament Photos

Titan Owners Club UK held a demonstration game at the London Grand Tournament, held at Lea Valley Athletics Centre, north London, last weekend. A few UK Princeps had the opportunity to bring their Titans to pitch battle ahead of the UK Main Walk in two week's time. It was a great weekend of gaming and victory to the Loyalists on Day 1 and Day 2 - using the Adeptus Titanicus (scaled up to AT28mm) ruleset and objectives (hidden). Here are some pictures - 
Traitor Engines line up with Xenos allies - TOC Member Richard A's Legio Mortis Engines
TOC Member Laura A's Legio Tempestus traitor heavy engines form the centre of the traitor force
On the left traitor flank traitor (for the weekend) TOC Member James C's Legio Astraman
The Loyalist lines, left flank TOC Member Rob W's Legio Solaria
And TOC Member's Aaron P. and TOC Admin Lee M's Legio Astorum and Ignatum
The centre left held by TOC Admin Siph's Legio Astorum
And the loyalist left flank anchored by TOC Admin Engine Phil's Legio Metalica
Warhounds from Legio Astorum stalk the ruins
Supported by Legio Metalica Warhounds making good use of the terrain
Here comes the Audax pain-train Full Stride and Power to Locomotives straight toward the larger guns of the Astorum Engines - will they get their giant killer prize
Battle plans changed, the Audax outflanked by Astorum, outflanked by traitor-Astraman, outflanked by Metalica! Much hilarity!
Day two saw traitor Legio Astraman facing loyalist Legio Astorum
A massive crane started its life as a toy crane
A gorgeous centre piece painted by Eyecron74, TOC Member Rob W.
Some large terrain sets are needed to block LOS

Titan Owners Club

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