Saturday 5 October 2024

New Blood Angels - Will They Make Titans Fear to Tread?

Novel reference aside - new Blood Angels drop today!

So, Blood Angels and their successors are Shadow's bread and butter, and today's new kits have a bit more potential to do damage than the prior release.  The Death Company are nothing to sneeze at, especially when it's a Death Company Dreadnought rocking Brutalis Fists.  No mistaking their threat potential in that they can knock plenty of wounds off of Knights, Warhounds, and post a small threat to Reavers and above.

New kits dropping today include the Sanguinor, a new Sanguinary Priest (still sad no more Corbulo), a new Blood Angels Captain, and the vaunted Sanguinary Guard.  

All images and credit for them from due to Shadow's editing feature badly mauling the original photos.

We'll start with the Sanguinary Guard.  Probably the most maligned unit of the new release due to the lack of wings, these guys hit a lot harder than their previous incarnation and likely pose the biggest threat to any of your Titanic units.  Yes, they've gone from 10-man maximum to 6-man, but they now boast a 4++, 3W, and can still bring some devastating weaponry to bear.  Now loaded with new spears with the Lance rule they can also carve a path through your defensive units allowing bigger hitters to march into your Titan.  While the damage they can do to your Knights and Titans themselves is still rather negligible, they can still strip wounds and be durable while doing it.

The melta weaponry and the spears are the things most likely to get in and harm your Titanic units, but the "lesser" weapons will still strip away any guards for your battlefield gods with sickening ease.

Next, the Sanguinor.  Still rocking his t-pose and effectively a Primaris update, there really isn't much to say here.  He's meant to buff the army more than anything else and occasionally go up against powerful characters.  If we're honest, Dante still wipes the floor with him and poses a greater threat on the table than the Sanguinor.  Park a round of shooting on him and stop stressing unless he really starts to help the force snowball.

That said, while you'll have to do some cutting, you can easily find ways to swap arms on him between the Sanguinary Guard, Blood Angels Captain, and this kit to make your own unique take on him.  You can create more dynamic looks for this guardian angel.

The Sanguinary Priest not only gets a new miniature but it looks so much cooler to boot.  We lose a bit of versatility in loadouts but it's well worth it as the rules begin to feel much like the 5th and 6th edition versions where it made units durable with FNP saves.  The beloved "Sang Priest" is back in a big way and provides already tough units with even more staying power.  This is the kind of buff that can let Blood Angels units begin to tarpit or even wipe out your Titan's defenses.  Given enough time, maybe even let some heavy hitters in to deal some damage with stronger weapons.  Beware units with one of these attached.
Seriously, that's Corbulo's face.  Rules, please?  Love the model though. [Shadow]

You get options for two unhelmed faces, a helmet, chainsword sheathed or out, and whether or not the pistol is out.  Plus, the lamp and sensor suite have options based on whether the head is facing left or right.

Last up is the new Blood Angels Captain.  Wrought in the beautiful armor you expect, this customizable kit allows you to pick your weapons of choice.  Likely the only loadout Knights and Titans need fear; however, is the infernus pistol and power fist combo.  Past that, this is a force multiplier when fighting against your units - not a direct threat but can eventually boost the opponent if you aren't careful.

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