Monday, 16 December 2024

Reaver Titan No. 3376 - Indomitable, Legio Prydannica

Certificate Number: 0003376
Titan Name: Indomitable
Pattern: Mars Pattern Reaver Titan
Primary Armament: Apocalypse Missile Launcher, Battle Titan Gatling Blaster, Battle Titan Volcano Cannon
Princeps: Arthur, Duke of Mercia
Legio: Legio Prydannica
Battle Maniple Composition: Reaver (3376)

Owner: Alexander H.
Location: Derbyshire, UK
Comments: So umm, yeah, first Titan, probably my only Titan till I've actually started and then finished a possible engineering qualification, but that's for the future. She still needs a good deal of work, including but not limited to blue Lit in areas and actually being painted, never mind the heraldry. She is supposed to go with my Space Marines, plus eventually my own Imperial Guard regiment (gotta finish the work on my Death Korps of Krieg first and that's been about five years in the making).

Basecoats and Rites of Construction completed, just the Rites of Colour to commence
A pinning arrangement for the arms
Upright firing angle for Apocalypse Launcher for tasty indirect support
Crushing a Rhno APC underfoot
Always spray in well ventilated place, safety of Tech Adepts first!
Legs start to take shape
Box of resin joy!

Titan Owners Club

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