Certificate number: 905
Titan Name: Crimson Inferno
Pattern: Mars Pettern Reaver
Primary Armament: Laser Blaster, Melta Cannon & double barrel turbo laser on top
Princeps: To be named
Titan Legio: Legio Audax
Maniple Composition: Reaver Titan No905 - Crimson Inferno
Owner: Rhys K
Location: Perth, Australia
Comments: Battle honours include the destruction of 1 chaos reaver, 1 chaos warhound, Brass Scorpion, Necron Pylon
Hey Rhys, coming East any time with that force? Why did you choose legio Audax? Having read the fluff on Lexicanum, (I had just gone with an awesome latin name) I think I'll have to change my allegiance to Legio Honourum or something to stay in theme with Titan classes and being based on Stygies...