Monday 9 May 2016

Update Warlord No212 - Ira Deorum, 9/5/16

Further work continues on the beautiful Warlord Ira Deorum.  Nathan wished to share this with his fellow Titan owners:

"Here are a few more updates on Ira Deorum.  The detail work begins, and seems that it may take quite some time, but it's starting to look like a true god engine.

I've seen lots of great comments, and all will be illuminated at the next update! Thanks for posting.



Very beautiful looking heraldry on the Engine.  It stands out to mark the Titan's presence.

A close up of the heraldry shields.

Superb use of color and techniques in order to pick out details.

Ira Deorum standing tall and looking mean.

Looking amazing. - T.O.C.


  1. Gorgeous. Just absolutely gorgeous.

  2. Love it, the armour plates are outstanding and I love the weathered look on the superstructure

  3. Fantastic! Speechless, great work!

  4. Man this is so tight! I really want to know how you did the glaze over the transfers - considering trying something similar on my next go round but in red. What am I saying? Next go round?! But anyway I am looking forward to being illuminated!

    Anyway this is awesome. Really inspiring. I love seeing all this great work. Keep it up and thanks for sharing with us!

  5. When I saw the plates I thought wow, now my brain can't even comprehend a word for it. The detailing is so dam subtle...

  6. One of the finest Engines I have ever seen!
