The Rite of Cleansing begins for the head and weapons.
The weaponry is coming along.
Most of the armor plates have been recovered and her framework is ready.
A good motto for what has been reported to us to be the Belicosa Volcano Cannon arm.
Very nice shot of the upper carapace coming together.
From Anders- The last armour plate: here as an explanatory hologram, is somewhere in the lost suburbs of Beluga 61, and the S&R teams will continue their work to find it, otherwise the Titan will be vulnerable to infantry attacks... (Thinking posters and other "monument vandalize" for this leg plate, to use it as an objective in kill team /normal 40k games. Details that will all be turned upside down if the leg plate is recovered, just in time to mount it but too late to cleanse it before the Titan goes to battle...)
"Triple Force" will soon be ready to walk, to kill and to redeem the centuries of shame as its pieces were used as monuments and art.
The scale of the Warlord really comes to the fore when terrain and Knights are involved.
A good shot looking up at the Titan, like from the perspective of a normal person.
The Titan nears completion.
I really like the "kiss" on the armor plate, totally puts me in mind of old school 40k / rogue trader artwork where the marines had slogans like "pray for death" painted on their weapons. Love it man!