Sunday, 25 February 2018

Mars Warhound No4188 - Blood Wolf, Legio Mortis

Certificate Number: 4188
Titan Name: Blood Wolf
Pattern: Mars-Alpha Warhound

Primary Armament: TBC
Princeps: TBC
Titan Legio: Legio Mortis
Battle Maniple Composition: Warhound 4188

Owner: Ian B.
Location: Cornwall UK
Comments: This is my first titan, I've actually had it for 2 years but due to life commitments and moving house i didn't get a chance to start it. I've always liked Mortis engines so this will be my first of hopefully many! Named it Blood Wolf as I like the name and as far as I'm aware a known Mortis Warhound. I plan to remove imperial heraldry as it will be accompanying my 30k Iron warriors. After this I plan on getting a Reaver to add to the maniple.


Work in progress:

All the resin!

Starting the feet

 legs complete, armour plates attached but not glued on for painting purposes.

A match made in heaven

Great progress so far.

Titan Owners Club


  1. Welcome to the journey. I ready like how you're setting things up on it.

  2. Sweet, traitor scum, but sweet... ;)
