Thursday 29 November 2018

Mars Warhound No.5508 - Wolfshead, Legio Crucius

Certificate Number: 005508
Titan Name: Wolfshead 
Pattern: Mars Pattern
Head Unit: N/A 
Primary Armament: twin Dual Turbo Laser Destructors (I will be adding different load outs soon)
Princeps: +++CLASSIFIED+++
Titan Legio: Legio Crucius
Demi Legio:   Deictus Fist  (named after the fabled Legio Crucius Impeator Titan who fell at the battle of Hive World Kado) 
Battle Maniple Composition: Deictus Fist (named after the fabled Legio Crucius Imperator Titan who fell at the battle of Hive World Kado) - consisting of:
20 Imperial Knights (KS0020); Warhound Titan (5508); Warhound Titan (5599); Reaver Titan (11); Reaver Titan (2522); Warlord Titan (860); Warbringer Titan (221); Reaver Titan (2522); Warbringer (187).

Owner: TOC's own Support Staff - Lord TITANium Halfpenny
Location: Dorset UK
Comments: I'm happy to say it took me 3 weeks to virtually finish the Warhound! More Photos and battle reports found at

[TOC'S 300TH ENGINE!!!! - TOC]

3 Weeks! Well done Lord Halfpenny!

Twin Turbolasers! Who hurt you?!

Titan Owners Club


  1. 3 weeks is certainly better than the how many years it took to do the Reaver? ;) But I cannot criticise, some would point out Warlord 104 which has been in build for a few years... great addition mate!

  2. 3 Weeks! wow... haha! I'm already on week 4 with the next Warhound...

  3. 3 weeks?! I think I had finished assembling one Reaver foot in the same amount of time! Great work - love the unconventional decal placement!
