Monday 20 February 2023

Warlord Titan No. 1253 - Valeria Victrix, Legio Astorum

Certificate Number: 0001253
Titan Name: Valeria Victrix
Pattern: Mars-Alpha Warlord Titan
Head Unit: Mars-Alpha
Primary Armament: Sunfury Plasma Annihilator, Macro Gatling Blaster, Carapace-mounted Laser Blasters
Princeps: Justitian Ultor
Titan Legio: Legio Astorum
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord (1253)

Owner: Christoph K.
Location: Switzerland
Comments: A venerable battle Titan of the Legio Astorum who came to aid the Blood Angels in their darkest hour, and played a major role during the Devastation of Baal to save the Chapter homeworld from the devouring maw of Hive Fleet Leviathan.


Beautiful armour dappled night with astrological mapping, a tradition of Astorum to map previous conflicts
The legs next to the AT scale model
How Princeps Christoph achieved the dappled look.
Getting there, superstructure built
The Princeps #CLASSIFIED#
The mighty Macro Gatling Blaster
Boxes O' Resin Joy

Titan Owners Club

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