Wednesday 12 June 2024

Mars Warhound Titan No. 400 - Loyalty of Chulainn, Legio Ordo Sinister

Certificate Number: 000400
Titan Name: Loyalty of Chulainn
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warhound
Primary Armament: Plasma Blastgun, Vulcan Mega-Bolter
Princeps: Ichabod MacDeath
Titan Legio: N/A currently serving alongside Ordo Sinister but not directly a member
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord Psi-Titan (1276); Mars Warhound (400) 

Owner: Ben N.
Location: Washington, USA

Previously known as the Fangs of Chulainn, this warhound titan was captured and enslaved by the Ruinous Powers after falling in battle, however its machine spirit chose to deliberately overheat its own engine core rather than fight its former legion. It was believed inoperable and it’s husk was made into a site of worship, which attracted the attention of the inquisition. Brought to Mars for judgement, it was declared free of taint it was resurrected into the Loyalty of Chulainn under the supervision of Magos Defficilinum. Command was given to Ichabod MacDeath, an old princep who survived the beheading of his former engine - a shame that has haunted him since – a perfect match of man and machine both driven by the need for redemption. Loyalty of Chulainn now serves as a forward scout for the psi-titan Absolute Terror.


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