Friday 14 June 2024

Warlord Titan No.1276 - Absolute Terror, Legio Ordo Sinister

Certificate Number: 1276
Titan Name: Absolute Terror
Pattern: Mars-Alpha Warlord Titan
Head Unit: Custom Psi-Titan head 
Primary Armament: Power claw with built in Vulcan Mega-bolter, Sinistramanus Tenebrae, Carapace Lasblasters
Princeps: Lilean Quadra
Titan Legio: Ordo Sinister
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord Psi-Titan (1276); Warhound (400)

Owner: Ben N.
Location:  Washington, USA

Comments: Winner of the Sakura Con 2024 Mecha Modeling People’s Choice Award!
One of the Psi-Titans to have survived the Heresy, Absolute Terror is a forbidden relic of Old Night brought into the dark millennium. Little is known of who or what it serves, save for the lion heraldry of Ordo Sinister and whispers of an alliance with the Ordo Malleus. Indeed, it appears that the titan has a preference towards hunting the neverborn, reported most frequently in conflict against the greater inhuman servants of the Archenemy. Believed to be unique even by the standards of the ordo, it possesses a combination of runes from tomes only found within the libraries of Titan and the dark pinnacle of lost technology that allow for its ultimate power, the deindividualization of all beings within its psychic range. For the briefest fraction of a second, all souls under its influence are joined as one; for beings of flesh, who are tethered to their sense of being by their physical forms, the process can be scarring, but to those of the immaterium, who’s existence is defined by their will, it is the death of the psyche that form of ritual can negate, as true a death as any for a daemon.



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