Saturday 15 June 2024

Warlord Titan No. 0002 - Uxor Belli, Legio Vulcanum

Certificate Number: 0002
Titan Name: Uxor Belli
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warlord Titan
Primary Armament: Belicosa Volcano Cannon, Belicosa Volcano Cannon and paired Apocalypse Missile Launchers.
Princeps: #UNKNOWN#
Titan Legio: Legio Vulcanum
Battle Maniple Composition: Warlord (2); Warlord (898); Warhound (3495); Warhound (6033); Warhound (6899)

Owner: Lauren W.
Location: Buckinghamshire, UK
Comments: This is my fith full scale Titan. It is a wedding present to complete my maniple. This is the first Forge World Titan to leave the factory! Really pleased to have it as part of my collection.


Here she is!!

A nice strong pose.

We edited the brass from the Death Guard Brass icons to make the 3x skulls.

Dark Fire Walks!

lovely weathering streaks. Nice and subtle.

Ready for war!!

The reverse Skulls motif of on the shield.

Another Split Dark Fire Motif.

The maniple in it's space (there will be a huge display soon enough).

Titan Owners Club

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