Thursday, 28 November 2019

Update Warlord Titan No.745 - Ashes of Calth, 28-11-19

Princeps Jonathan has knocked out a lot of work on his newly named Titan, Ashes of Calth.


Now might be a good time to run!

The early stages of painting the Princeps.  Very well done.

A mighty looking engine.

Love the etched runes and chains on the Belicosa.


  1. Phenomenal runes all over, really love that Word Bearers vibe

    1. Thanks! Big fan of Anthony Reynold's Word Bearers trilogy, so wanted to depict their Titan allies from the third book

  2. That is one sweet chaos titan. Probably one of the best chaos warlords I have seen. Love the etchings, are the runes painted on or carved in to the plates?

    1. He carved them into the plastic with a laser cutter. Amazing work.

    2. The Rulebook has it spot on, it was several months of planning and laser cutting to get all 40-something plates done. There's a video on the War Budgies YT channel showing how it works if you're curious

  3. just curious, how big is that base you have him on roughly? i will soon be in possession of one of these big bois and i am trying to get everything together for building.

  4. Absolutely incredible work - hands down the best Warlord I've ever seen! Love those knight heads chained to the tilt shields and the clawed face guard - love the fact that you've added the mesh behind the ripped mask! He just needs to turn around and stamp on Archaon now! :)
