Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Warhound Titan No.3651 - Fulgur Manus, Legio Metalica

Name: Fulgur Manus
Certificate Number: 003651
Titan Name: Fulgur Manus "Lightning Hand"
Pattern: Mars Pattern Warhound Scout Titan
Primary Armament: Turbo Laser Destructor, & Inferno Cannon
Princeps: Barran Varr
Legio: Legio Metalica "The Iron Skulls"
Battle Maniple Composition: Imperator (1); Warlord (AWOC); Reaver (1693); Warhound (3651); Warhound (3653)

Owner: Goddenzilla
Location: South Yorkshire, UK
Comments: The build process for this Warhound was considerable due to the extreme pose. Building a Warhound Titan in a full tilt run was difficult, but ultimately impressive! The legs and hips of the model were drilled and pinned from the base upwards to provide the necessary rigid structure – there’s about a metre of aluminium bar running through his legs!

Feel free to check out my hobby blog: Kaijucountry. The build process is covered in my blog and you can also find the template I made for acetate Warhound Titan eye lenses.


 Beautiful base with traitor Knights smashed underfoot.

 Fabulous banner

 Gorgeous heat staining on barrels and the weathering on the carapace.

 This Engine has seen some battles.

Princeps Goddenzilla has templates for the Warhound Eyes on his hobby blog, link above.

 Proudly displaying the Titan official Certificate number on its livery.

Awesome looking adornments on the shin guard.

 Lots of subtle details like the paint chipping on the carapace.

 Knee inserts

 A crushed House Malinax Knight

 Princeps Barran Vaar sits on his Command Throne

 Superb detailing inside and out, a magnificent Engine!

Thank you to Princeps Goddenzilla for sharing the first of his completed Engines and finally getting it registered, a veteran of a number of UK Walks now! A spectacular looking Engine!

Cheers, Princeps Siph, UK/EUR Admin

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