Thursday 25 March 2021

Adeptus Titanicus - Bring your Choom (Not Your Cyberpunk Buddies)

This is most unexpected and most glorious news!  Really, we get volkite on a Titan!?!?

First introduced in the Age of Darkness (Horus Heresy) game, volkite weapons deal explosive death to your enemies by basically turning them into combustible bags of meat.  These weapons were truly horrific and were second only to rad weaponry in terms of destructive ability and cruelty.  Or, as WarCom put it:

"In simple terms, volkite weapons are heat rays. They fire beams of energy that set unprotected targets – like squishy humans – on fire. When scaled up to Titan size, they are terrifyingly effective at taking down void shields, as they superheat the protective energy barriers and pop them out of existence."

So, what can we expect?  Volkite eradicators for Warhounds and Reavers and then the volkite destructors for Warlords.

A think somewhere we just heard a Tech-Priest's heart ACTUALLY BEAT!

We were even clued in to how they'll work in game.  Volkite weapons are not great at harming Titans (though a Warhound could feel it when the fire is concentrated enough), but void shields are a completely different matter altogether. 

  • Both weapon classes get three (3) dice per attack.  
  • The Warhound and Reaver class volkite has a range of 20”, while the Warlord's arm weapon reaches out to 24”. 
  • Both classes have Voidbreaker (2), meaning that for every hit, the target has to roll an additional 2 shield saves. 

This thing will be a shield-stripper that might give even the Vulcan Mega-Bolter a serious run for its money.

Even more fun is the fact the Warlord’s volkite destructor can also be fired as a Beam (1) weapon, but this does come at the cost of using the Draining trait. The upside: potentially hitting up to three models in a single direct line of fire. However, each target has to be destroyed to allow the beam to move on to another, so this will really only be good against weakened Knights.  We don't think it's going to be used too often since it's so situational.

These will be coming out through Forge World and no release date has been given.  Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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